Style NFTs
Style NFTs are NFTs which are each linked to a wearable item. These are assets that all stakeholders of edverse can wear inside the platform. This includes articles of clothing and accessories like:
Neck chains
Each of these assets will be represented by limited number of Style-NFTs which allow the NFT holder to earn from third party affiliate sponsorship events conducted in edverse.
To take an example, a Style NFT owner of a T-shirt, has the right to sell sponsorships of T-Shirts on edverse to third party advertisers. A part of this sponsorship amount will go to the users in the form of in-game rewards for participation. The advertiser can update the logo, color and design of the T-Shirt, which will be updated for the participating users on edverse for a fixed duration of time or event or location, depending on the plan purchased by the advertiser.
What is the value of a Style NFT?
The Style NFT has an intrinsic value which is derived from the future potential commission earned through sponsorship deals for the asset on edverse.
The revenue earned by the NFT holder will depend on:
The number of users advertised to - by restricting to a certain event or location
The number of users who participate in the campaign
The total duration of time of the sponsorship
Uniqueness of the wearable
Demand of the wearable
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