Educational Non Fungible Tokens to be used to created courses and published on edverse

Ed-NFT concept video:

Ed-NFTs or Educational NFTs are assets like 3D models and 3D environments that are published on the blockchain.

How to earn from Ed-NFTs

  1. Ed-NFTs are available to rent to Educators to create their immersive courses. A commission will be shared with the NFT owner.

  2. Ed-NFTs can be sold on the marketplace to investors or other stakeholders. This will transfer ownership to the new Ed-NFT holder who can earn from that Ed-NFT.

What is the value of the Ed-NFT?

The Ed-NFT has an intrinsic value derived from future potential revenue by utilization in immersive courses and learning. This value is proportional to:

  1. No. of Courses it is being used in

  2. No. of Learners learning from those courses

  3. The cost of the course subscription

  4. The average user rating of the Ed-NFT

  5. The total number of users who have rated the Ed-NFT

Last updated